/ / 1 9 6 9 / / Anyone who knows @talirothdesigns knows that she has an intense love of stone flooring – in particular terrazzo. She wanted to create a terrazzo pattern that felt a little non descript and even a little animalistic – Rrrrrrr. IG takeover by @talirothdesigns. We are launching her line of area rugs next Wednesday & will be showing them @bdny_fair November 10th & 11th. . .. … …. ….. …… ……. …….. #empirecollectionrugs #aronsonsfloorcovering #customrugs #textiledesign #carpets #rug #dsfloors #floorsilove #handmadecarpet #handweaving #wool #handtufted #dscolor #contemporary #interiordesign #interior123 #decor #design #architecture #naturalfibers #custommade #ihavethisthingwithrugs #modernhome #dstexture #dscolorstory #ihavethisthingwithtextiles #ihavethisthingwithfloors

30 October 2019

/ / 1 9 6 9 / / Anyone who knows @talirothdesigns knows that she has an intense love of stone flooring – in particular terrazzo. She wanted to create a terrazzo pattern that felt a little non descript and even a little animalistic – Rrrrrrr. 
IG takeover by @talirothdesigns. We are launching her line of area rugs next Wednesday & will be showing them @bdny_fair November 10th & 11th.
#empirecollectionrugs #aronsonsfloorcovering  #customrugs #textiledesign #carpets #rug #dsfloors #floorsilove #handmadecarpet #handweaving #wool #handtufted #dscolor #contemporary #interiordesign #interior123 #decor #design #architecture #naturalfibers #custommade  #ihavethisthingwithrugs #modernhome #dstexture #dscolorstory #ihavethisthingwithtextiles #ihavethisthingwithfloors

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